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Admire Me by Douglas Fraser Smith Young, Not Stupid by Douglas Fraser Smith Contemplating a Dive by Douglas Fraser Smith Now Where Is That Nest We're Building? by Douglas Fraser Smith Maeve by Douglas Fraser Smith One Twig at a Time by Douglas Fraser Smith Not Really a Scowl by Douglas Fraser Smith


Virga on the Strait by Douglas Fraser Smith Sawyer Glacier by Douglas Fraser Smith Approaching Wilderness by Douglas Fraser Smith Cooler than it Looks by Douglas Fraser Smith Seal Rock at Dawn by Douglas Fraser Smith Hydro Power by Douglas Fraser Smith On the Ebb by Douglas Fraser Smith

Medium Birds

In a Flap by Douglas Fraser Smith About This Big, I'd Say by Douglas Fraser Smith Straight At You by Douglas Fraser Smith Expiring Visa by Douglas Fraser Smith Contemplating Relocation by Douglas Fraser Smith Same Time Next Year by Douglas Fraser Smith Red-breasted Merganser 1 by Douglas Fraser Smith

Little Birds

Bewick's Wren Perched by Douglas Fraser Smith House Sparrow 1 by Douglas Fraser Smith Almost Tiny by Douglas Fraser Smith Day's End by Douglas Fraser Smith Salty Peep by Douglas Fraser Smith Western Sandpiper V by Douglas Fraser Smith Sandy Bill by Douglas Fraser Smith


Tahoma in White by Douglas Fraser Smith Cone Alone by Douglas Fraser Smith Froth on Top by Douglas Fraser Smith Ice Sawyer Coming by Douglas Fraser Smith Geology Lesson by Douglas Fraser Smith Tenacious by Douglas Fraser Smith Tide in Motion by Douglas Fraser Smith


Dandelion Salad for Lunch by Douglas Fraser Smith Alaska Fluke by Douglas Fraser Smith Citizen of the Meadow by Douglas Fraser Smith Ears by Douglas Fraser Smith Teeth by Douglas Fraser Smith Floof Tail by Douglas Fraser Smith Red Fox 2 by Douglas Fraser Smith

Big Birds

Admire Me by Douglas Fraser Smith Young, Not Stupid by Douglas Fraser Smith Contemplating a Dive by Douglas Fraser Smith Now Where Is That Nest We're Building? by Douglas Fraser Smith Maeve by Douglas Fraser Smith One Twig at a Time by Douglas Fraser Smith Not Really a Scowl by Douglas Fraser Smith


Alaska Fluke by Douglas Fraser Smith Routine Alaska Morning by Douglas Fraser Smith Deep Breath, Now by Douglas Fraser Smith Morning Commute, Alaska by Douglas Fraser Smith